—Elise Stefanik (R-NY), March 6, 2024
I don't know about you...but my recollection of "four years ago" is pretty clear.
And as much as I'd like to forget that time—I really would—I'm stuck with memories I can't shake.
Four years ago I was busy moving our daughter home from San Diego State University—barely ahead of a pandemic rushing at us like a Cat. 6 hurricane.
Schools, businesses, and entire communities were hurriedly shutting down and going remote (as best they could)—the responsible thing to do in the face of a disease we knew little about and from which we had no defense.
Retired game show host Donald Trump, meanwhile, was telling people this new disease was no big deal, and it would be gone in a couple weeks—because it was "just like the flu."
Shortly thereafter, Trump would suggest people protect themselves by injecting bleach, or ingesting horse dewormer, or basking in ultraviolet light.
Advice like that—along with the Trump administration's intentional sabotage of the US response to COVID-19—led to the deaths of 400,000 Americans by January, 2021.
It's worth revisiting these little details when Elise Stefanik (R-NY) tries to tell us we were better off in March, 2020, than we are now.
Because she and a lot of other geniuses would very much like Donald Trump to be president again—since his last go-round was such a smashing success.*
(* If by "success" you mean the devastation and debauching of America.)
It's also worth noting that Elise Stefanik (R-NY) is out of her damn mind.