and while that's totally unfair, and generally unsupportable, it is nonetheless true.
let us stipulate that chicago is a great city. the architecture is spectacular, it is teeming with friendly people, and there are some great restaurants.
i spent three days there this week, amidst all that splendiferousness...and i still couldn't wait to leave.
i know. the failing is mine. apparently the charm of business travel has deserted me, so no matter how accommodating the location, i can't wait to get the hell out of there.
thus the paradox: i'm having a great time, let's leave.
And I thought I was your favorite thing about Chicago.
you were! i mean you are! i mean...you are once and always my favoritest thing about the great city of chicago, home of all that is good and splendiferous in america.
but, you know...it ain't home.
muchas smooches...
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