everything old is new again.
the '60s have come back around, complete with a divisive war, a dissenting congress, and a despicable president.
instead of fading away, echoes of time past get louder.
the '60s got ugly. assassinations and riots and kent state, all symptoms of a sick nation at war with itself. and it can happen again. it is happening again. because we never really healed from--or learned from--the last time.
how big a leap is it from spying on americans to firing on them? nixon had no compunctions in that regard. would dick cheney hesitate for a moment to order troops to fire on unarmed civilians? he'd probably pick up a rifle himself.
take a look at the four dead at kent state...
real subversives, huh? a clear and present danger to the ohio national guard and the nixon administration. no wonder they had to be killed.
flash forward to 2007...the bush administration is taking on water from all sides. in overwhelming numbers, the american people oppose bush policy at home and abroad. there is a distinct whiff of desperation in presidential press conferences. along with the suggestion that opposition is fine, so long as it doesn't attempt to halt administration activities.
the pieces are in place for another great, self-inflicted wound. a whole series of them. to go along with those of the past six years.
surely we won't go there again. or maybe it's inevitable.
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