Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Total Body Freakout

Moving to another state?

Good for you!

It's a great way to exercise your body and exorcise your mind at the same time!

If I had been thinking, I'd have filmed this entire delightful process. The before and after segments would have been, uh, unintentionally funny? 

The farther down this road we go, though, the more that lucid thinking eludes me. I've gotten good at "overthinking" and extremely efficient at "reacting without thinking," but...

Important note: those aren't nearly as helpful as actual thinking. 

Especially when action is required! And decisions must be made. Hastily! 

Moving-Related Tasks That Are Fun AND Good Exercise:

{checks list}

Okay, changing that to
There were unexpected things
hidden in this mulch pile

Moving-Related Tasks That Are Good Exercise:
  • Clearing the deck of plants and furnishings ahead of power washing deck
  • Actual power washing of deck
  • Moving plants and furnishings back onto clean deck
And as long as we're power-washing things...
  • Climbing ladder to power wash moss off the roof
  • Moving ladder multiple times in hot pursuit of more moss
  • Actual power washing of moss off the roof
Let's re-clean all the things!
  • Re-cleaning power-washed deck, plants and furnishings, driveway, et al, because power washing the roof is hideously messy and moss flies everywhere
  • Re-wash formerly clean windows because
  • I'm not very smart 
Let's break some things!
  • Dismantle blue chicken coop and haul the pieces up from the back
  • Demo grey chicken coop and haul the pieces to the transfer station
  • Deconstruct predator fencing and netting while cursing predators nonstop
Let's talk about mulch

Mulch, as a general matter, is useful stuff. It quickly refurbishes places chickens have roamed for the past three years, and will eventually help restore the habitat to its lush PNW origins.

Yay, mulch!

Important note: mulch doesn't move itself. It requires shoveling, carrying, dumping, and spreading. These activities are all good exercise! Especially on the steep slope between the mulch pile and the back of our house!

Related: I've never seen so much mulch, let alone hauled it from one place to another. One day our driveway was clear, the next day it was buried in shredded tree-stuff. It was many, many days before the driveway was clear again.

{sighs, re-checks list}

We have so much more to do—and just three and a half days to do it.

Maybe this would be a good time to stop writing and start doing.

#notfreakingout #atall

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